NDSM grew out of a need and a vision. The need was to help the less fortunate; the vision was to tackle the problem through a multi-faith pooling of resources. King of Glory has been a part of that pooling of resources from the start.
NDSM’s objectives are that the expressed, immediate needs of its recipients are addressed in an appropriate way, that recipients use the offered tools and means to achieve greater stability, that they follow through in accessing services to which they are entitled; that they assume responsibility for their lives to the degree they are able, and that their quality of life becomes more stable and ultimately improved.
NDSM offer the following programs: basic and supplemental food programs, Friday Food Basket for senior citizens, rent and utility assistance, preventive, primary and ongoing medical and dental care, mental health counseling, clothes closet, school supplies and uniforms, job counseling, ESL, tax preparation, access to entitlement programs, rent advances, and publication of Dallas Area Guide to Emergency Assistance.