Knight Circle
Women meet on the second Tuesday of each month for Bible study, fellowship and stewardship opportunities. This group is mostly senior adults, but all are welcome.
Our Fall Kick-off will be on October 13 at the home of Beckie Robinson. We use the ELCA’s Gather magazine Fall 2020 bible study:
“Holy time” by Rev. Meghan Johnston Aelabouni
This three-session Bible study invites us to remember the past, recognize the present and reimagine the future.
Session 1: Holy time: Remembering the past
- Scriptures: Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19, Luke 22:18-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-25
Themes/Questions: What is faithful memory? How do we remember the past–good and bad? How do we embody memory in our worship through Word and Sacrament, and why is this important? How does faithful memory put us back together (re-member us) as faithful people?
Session 2: Holy time: Recognizing the now
- Scriptures: Mark 14:3-9, Luke 4:16-21, Luke 12:54-56, 2 Corinthians 6:1-10
- Themes/Questions: How do we grasp the times we are living in? How did Jesus, the woman who anointed him, and Paul all recognize “kairos” time–and what is it? What does it mean to recognize our calling to “be present”?
Session 3: Holy time: Reimagining the future
Scriptures: Isaiah 55, Revelation 21-22
- Themes/Questions: How do we faithfully look to the future? What does it mean to reimagine the future in light of the promises of God’s reign? How do we live now in hope and active expectation, and how does this open us (individuals, churches, communities) to transformation?