Serving in Our Church

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Make a difference in the life of others by joining us each week in presenting the message of Christ.

Consider the many volunteers needed to host worship services, provide Sunday school instruction for all ages, offer our evening worship opportunity for families with disabilities, and convene regular youth group gatherings and confirmation classes.  There are the people you see but many you may not even notice serving:  greeters, ushers, communion assistants, choir members, bell ringers, Sunday school teachers and their shepherd guides, confirmation mentors, food providers, atrium table hosts, and on and on.  

Come alongside us as we worship through serving at King of Glory!


Serve on Sundays

Worship Opportunities
Greeter  -  Usher  -  Altar Guild  -  Communion Assistant  -  Readers

 For more information, contact Marilyn Cupp


Sunday Morning Hospitality
Welcoming visitors  -  Following up with visitors  -  Coffee preparation

 For more information, contact Phil Thomas

I want to serve through hospitalityI want to serve by preparing Coffee

Sunday AV Team
Livestream/Camera Operator  -  Worship Slides  -  Sound Operator  -  Observer/Trainee

 For more information, contact Ross Weir

Serve our Children and Youth

Children and Youth Ministries Opportunities
Preschool Team Teacher  -  Elementary Team Teacher  -  Elementary Shepherd
Volunteer with Youth  -  Sr High Sunday School Teacher  -  Chaperone

 For more information, contact Harold Huddleston at

I want to serve with Children and Youth Ministries

Serve the Congregation

Parish Care Ministries
By sharing the care, leaders provide resources, support, and connection.

Visitation and Communion with our homebound  -  Healing prayer during worship and chapel
Assist with transportation to church and appointments  -  Respond to needs through calls, cards, and care
Actively involved in Neighborhood Connection Groups

For more information, email Vernell Shuey at

I want to serve with Care MinistriesLearn More about Care Ministries

Stephen Ministry
Stephen Leader  -  Support Team

Provide a caring, nonjudgmental, and confidential one-on-one relationship for a person experiencing a difficult time or transition in life.

For more information, email

I want to serve with Stephen MinistryLearn More about Stephen Ministry

Serve throughout the Church

Audit Committee  -  Hospitality Committee  -  Kitchen Committee
Facilities Help  -  Office Help  -  Communications Team
Pollinator Garden  -  KOG Garden Angels

For more information, email Phil Thomas at

I want to serve where I am needed
learn more about our pollinator garden
learn more about KOG Garden Angels
