Children “step” from one developmental stage to the next. Our goal is for them to step forward spiritually as they step forward physically, mentally, emotionally, and educationally.
Each Step includes four elements:
Naming: We identify and recognize the event to give it holy significance.
Equipping: Adults and children (as they are able) learn stories, skills, and habits that encourage growth in faith appropriate to the event.
Celebrating: In worship, community, and at home through liturgy and time together, the congregation recognizes the new faith stage.
Gifting: The child receives a tangible symbol of the event as a reminder of its holy significance.
Faith Stepping Stones:
Into God’s Family
Baptism Orientation for parents. Contact the KOG office to schedule.
Into Education
2 year old children, beginning Sunday School, receive a Beginner's Bible to take home and read together with their family.
Into Worship
Children entering 1st grade will explore worship from an age-appropriate perspective. The children will receive an Into Worship Lanyard and be recognized during worship.
Into Communion
Communion Education is for 2nd graders and older. Children will explore communion as instituted by Jesus at the Last Supper and the meaning of communion from a Lutheran perspective. Three workshops will be followed by a First Communion Celebration Breakfast. Children and their family will receive communion during worship service. Each child will decorate a white stole keepsake. Look for the Celebration invitation in January.
Into the Bible
Two workshops are held for 3rd graders and older on how to navigate through the Bible. Children are presented with an Adventure Bible and decorate a Bible cover.
Into Confirmation
Youth entering 6th Grade will begin confirmation classes and receive a Lutheran Study Bible.
Out in Faith
Youth will celebrate their Confirmation on Reformation Sunday.
Into the World
Mother’s Day
Sr. Year Graduation/Flanket Ceremony