Children's Choir


I will sing with joy because of you.
I will sing praise to you,  Almighty God.
Psalm 9:2


1st - 5th grade choir

Sundays, 10 am in Room 211 (beginning September 8th)

Children's choir offers a cornerstone of faith, music, and worship formation in a safe, nurturing environment where individuality is acknowledged and a spirit of community is fostered. During the school year, first -fifth graders join Allie Becker every week following Sunday School at 10 AM for a fun time of singing together. 

All first - fifth graders will be included in the choir and enjoy singing praises to God. Children have the option to sing in worship. The goal of children's choir lies in the fellowship, learning, and process, not the product.

We’re excited to spend time each week with your children learning music fundamentals while worshiping God! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email Miss Allie.

Children's Choir Performance Dates:
Reformation - October 27
Lesson and Carols - December 15
Palm Sunday - April 13
Music Appreciation Sunday - May 18


Contact Zvony Nagy for more information. 
