Sunday Morning Classes



As we live our faith out in community, it is important to prioritize activities and choices that help us grow in faith. Sunday mornings we come together to learn more about God and our relationships with God, one another, and creation.

Join a Sunday morning class at 9:00,
connect with a small group, or find a place to serve.

 SUNDAYS at 9am



Join KOG pollinator garden coordinator and Texas Master Gardener, Amanda Schulz, as we step into God's beautiful, natural world by studying plants of the Bible! This 8-week series will specifically focus on flowering plants, with an in-depth exploration into a different species for each lesson, its physical presence in ancient society, the symbolism and meaning behind its usage in Biblical text and, yes, how we can apply what we learn to our own daily lives.

Just as a seed eventually grows to full flower, so you, as well, will blossom in your own faith! This class is designed with ease in mind and no required preparation or reading ahead of time. So, pop in for a couple of classes or come for the whole series... you will never be behind!

Join us on Sunday mornings, beginning January 12.
Sundays at 9 am - Lower Level Room 18




We're familiar with Pentecost – the Spirit descending like tongues of fire, resulting in 3,000 baptisms. We celebrate it as the Birthday of the Christian Church. As we explore the book of Acts, we'll discover how God grows His church and its people. We'll apply these timeless teachings to our congregation today. 

You'll learn about the church's organization, its resilience in overcoming challenges and its outreach into the ancient world. In our final two sessions, we invite you to join discussions on the opportunities and challenges facing King of Glory now and in the future.

Click here for the class schedule.

Join us on Sunday mornings, beginning January 5.
Sundays at 9 am - Lower Level Room 10



Unable to Make it on Sunday?

Many Adult Education classes are available to you on AmplifyMedia.

  • Sign-up for free access to the online library here at Amplify Media.
  • Congregation Access Code: KHLRYJ

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